GEO Fence Targeting Advertising to target potential customers for direct advertising
GEO Fence Targeting Advertising to target potential customers for direct advertising
Geo Fencing, Geo Audience, and Geo Retargeting
Imagine drawing a perimeter on a map to target potential customers for direct advertising. This could include a convention center filled with people from across the country discussing an industry your business serves. It could also target a medical building, university, or restaurant staffed with individuals in need of supply purchasing options.
Geo Fencing, Geo Audience, and Geo Retargeting are the most common forms of Geo Advertising, with video content now being the most effective way to deliver it.

Why Should You Use Me?
When comparing my Geo Fence Targeting online marketing products to other companies like AdRoll, my offerings provide more SSPs (supply side partners), PMP (private marketplace) deals, DMPs (data management platforms), and greater scale for better results.
With over 2,000 PMP deals, 100+ SSPs, and 15+ DMPs integrated, my managed service system is designed to outperform self-serve platforms like AdRoll, resulting in significantly enhanced performance.