Improve your marketing efforts by incorporating IP Targeting Advertising
Improve your marketing efforts by incorporating IP Targeting Advertising
IP Targeting Advertising
Improve your marketing efforts by incorporating IP Targeting Advertising – a direct household online targeting strategy. IP Targeting transforms the traditional direct mail approach into delivering banner or video ads on websites. We can match any physical mailing address to a specific household, hotel, convention center, or office building’s IP address. From there, we send a variety of banner and display ads and messages to the websites the targeted customer visits. No cookies are used, no cluster data is involved, and no district designations are made. Our technology provides a turn-key solution for local advertisers to target audiences of all sizes and in any area with a 95% accuracy rate. We offer advertisers the leading location technology, premium inventory, and RTB supply.
- Physical-to-IP address matching with a 95%+ accuracy rate.
- Targeting specific individuals, groups, and locations through digital banner and display advertising.
- A turn-key solution for local advertisers to target audiences of all sizes and in any area.
- Access to the leading location technology, premium inventory, and RTB supply.
Examples of IP Targeting Advertising applications:
- Promoting concerts or events to students on a college campus.
- Targeting Starbucks Wi-Fi cafes and offering customers “in-store” discounts on a bag of coffee beans.

Why Should You Use Me?
In comparison to other companies like AdRoll, our IP Targeting Advertising products offer more SSPs (supply side partners), more PMP deals (private marketplace deals), more DMP’s (data management platforms), and more scale to deliver better results.
With over 2,000 PMP deals and over 100 SSPs, along with over 15 integrated DMPs, our managed service system is designed to outperform self-serve platforms like AdRoll, resulting in significantly enhanced performance.